Open Multiple links on single click

Link Icon

       Opening multiple links in a single click is an easy task. Nowadays there are many social sites most of people use them or mostly people do online work for which they need to open any different webpages on daily basis.
       Here we have a simple trick with the help of this trick you save all the links which you open on daily basis any you can open them daily on just a single click.
Just follow these simple steps:
1: Open up notepad or any text editor.
2: copy and paste bellow code in the text file.
     @echo off
      start chrome ""
      start chrome ""
      start chrome ""
3: save it as "filename.bat", you can give it any name just remember to put .bat at the end.
4: Now open the file.
You can see that when you open the file then all the links you have in it will open automatically.

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