Story of Hazrat Shesh (A.S)


    Shesh means “The Gift Of GOD”. Shesh was the third son of Adam (A.S). Shesh (A.S) was born when Qabel (Cain) killed Habeel (Abel). Age of Adam at Shesh’s  birth was 130 years. Prophet Adam(A.S) was ill for eleven days before he died, and ADAM (A.S) was 230 years old when shesh (A.S) was born. Prophet Adam passed a will to his son Shesh(A.S), ordering him to keep it saved from Cain and Cain’s son, due to their envy. Prophet Shesh (A.S) lived in Makkah and performed Hajj and Umrah  and stayed there until he died. The last prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was from the generation of the prophet shesh (A.S).
ALLAH gave the Revelation to Shesh (A.S) after the death of Adam. After Adam's death, his son Shesh(A.S) took over the responsibilities of prophethood. 50 heavenly scriptures were descended upon him.

Ibn Hibban narrated by that:

“ Abu Dharr al-Ghifariyy heard this from Prophet Muhammad. Shesh conveyed the message of Islam to the people, telling the people the correct belief in God and the way to perform acceptable worship. All the humans were Muslim at that time, but still God gave the Revelation to Shesh, and he taught and reminded the people.”

Muhammad Ibn Ishaq related that:

“when Adam's death drew near, he appointed his son Shesh  to be his successor, and taught him the hours of the day and night along with their appropriate acts of worship. He also foretold to him about the flood that would come.”

Abu Dhar narrated that:

          “ Prophet Muhammad said: "Allah sent down one hundred four psalms, of which fifty were sent down to Seth."

Marriage Of Shesh (A.S):

Shesh (Gift Of ALLAH) was the executor of ADAM’s will, who was born five years after abel was killed by cain. He was the family of ADAM from his issue, and jafeth (yafith) who was his brethren. Thursday afternoon, ALLAH Almighty sent a hoor for shesh (The last prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was from the generation of the prophet shesh (A.S)) and the late day another hoor for jafeth. Shesh’s wife name was  “Makhwayila”. When those hoors married shesh and jafeth, a son from the former and a daughter from the late were born. These two cousins Shesh’s son and Jafeth’s daughter got married later on and thus ADAM’s generation multiplied.

Chain Of Shesh (A.S) Sons:

Shesh (A.S) passed away at the age of 912 years. He was buried near his parents in SriLanka. Among the children of Adam, Shesh (A.S) was the most sensible and knowledgeable child, who was arousing the feeling of kindness in his brothers. They were paying him his share from the food grains.
In the middle of the year when the food grains were getting insufficient for the brothers, Shesh (A.S) helped them mutually to keep their food safe.
ALLAH Almighty bestowed Shesh (A.S) with heavenly books and indicated him to train his brothers the path of discipline.
When the time of his death came, Shesh’s son Anush succeeded him. The name of Anush was also Reesan and his Successor was Qeenan and he was the first person who planted the date palms and donated to the poor and the needy. He lived for 950 years. Anush was the contemporaneous of tahmurath the son of Qabeel and Qeenan was the successor of Anush, and Mahlail was the son and the successor of Qeenan who was the caliph of the city of Babul and as the population of Babul increased, the people migrated outside the Babul. Mahlail migrated with the children of Shesh (a.s) to the Khuzestan near Karkha River.
He preached the people towards the unity of ALLAH and excellence in virtues and his age reached to 924 years and he gave the case of the assignments of prophecy to his successor Yarad, he was the son of Mahlail and he was the prophet and his heavenly rule was in the Shush.He planted many trees in this area and subdivided the river into canals and streams and invited the people towards the straight path.Then he trained and accustomed the people to eat fish and chicken. His father was 60 years old at the time of his birth and he lived for 962 years and like his forefathers he led a devotional and sacred life.

Advices Of Shesh (A.S):

1- Getting to understand ALLAH, His angels and people of obedience
2- Getting to know valuable and evil, especially, well-being in good and keeping away from evil.
3- Listening to and obeying a sympathetic King to whom ALLAH has obligated vicegerent on the earth giving him the relationship of cities and servants.
4- Being fair to the parents.
5- To use someone's abilities in a useful manner.
6- Helping the poor.ter krdo
7- Being humble with the homeless.
8- Being brave in obeying ALLAH.
9- Keeping away from debauchery.
10- Patience with light at end of tunnel and certainty.
11- Truthfulness.
12- Justice.
13- Detachment from the world.
14- Making a sacrifice as a reveal of thanks to ALLAH who has bestowed blessings upon His creatures.
15- Forbearance and thankfulness to ALLAH around calamities in the reality without showing impatience. 16- Modesty and slight disputation.
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