Story About Hazrat Adam(A.S)

The Family Tree From Prophet Adam (A.S) To Muhammad (P.B.U.H):

Family tree of prophets

Story About Hazrat Adam(A.S):
                        ALLAH gathered many types of clay from Earth's different lands, then from this clay ALLAH Almighty made Adam (a.s). When ALLAH put the spirit of life into him: Adam (a.s) sneezed, ALLAH sent Mercy on him and blessed him as He pleased. Adam was created on the day of Jumma.
Adam (a.s) said "As-salaam-alaikum", to the angels as a greeting, they added "Warahmatullahi", just like two Muslims meeting. ALLAH told the angels that, Adam is  the new Khalifa of mankind of earth, they said, Man may harm and kill, but angels obeyed ALLAH Almighty all the time.
The Gift Of Knowledge:
“He taught Adam all the names of everything.” (Quran 2:31)
ALLAH gave Aadam (A.S) knowledge to name all the things around him, which the angels couldn't; and praised ALLAH, finding the skill outstanding. ALLAH told the angels in Jannah that, they had to bow to Adam (a.s), the angels obeyed, but Iblees refused and began an evil row. Iblees was a Jinn. Thinking he was better than Adam , Iblees became a proud liar, saying Aadam (a.s )was made of clay, while he was made of fire.
ALLAH cursed Iblees; the Shaitaan, and promised to send him to Hell. Iblees asked for life till the Last Day of mankind. Iblees became Mankind's enemy, plotting evil until the Last Day, misguiding Man to Shirk and sin and to delude mankind away from ALLAH's Straight way.
“And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am going to create a human (Adam) from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud.  So when I have fashioned him and breathed into him (his) soul created by Me, then you fall down prostrate to him.” (Quran 38:71-72)
“Prostrate to Adam and they prostrated except Iblees (Satan)....” (Quran 7:11)
“‘tell me the names of these if you are truthful.’  They answered ‘Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us.  Verily it is You the All Knower, the All Wise.’” (Quran 2:31-32)

The Creation Of Eve (Hawwa) Adam’s Wife:
Adam (a.s) felt lonely in Jannah and needed a partner to share his life, so ALLAH made a woman from Adam's rib and she became his wife. Adam (a.s) and Hawa (a.s) lived in Jannah, as happy as they could be, but ALLAH warned them not to eat the fruit from one particular tree. Iblees urged them to eat the fruit. After they ate it, they hid behind leaves; feeling awful shame, upset at failing ALLAH's test, now aware of Shaitaan evil game.
ALLAH told all three that, they are forbidden from Jannah, but Adam (a.s) and Hawa (a.s) made Tawbah and when Adam (a.s) looked up into the sky, He saw Kalma on the sky and asked forgiveness from ALLAH on the name of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) and were kindly forgiven. ALLAH set the earth as a test, to sort out the bad from the good, mankind had to work hard in life, for shelter, clothing and food.
Adam (a.s) and Hawa (a.s) had many twins who spread across the world, some did sins and disobeyed, but the good followed ALLAH's rightful path. Some were pious like Prophet She'th (One of the son of Adam), who guided people to right, while some were evil like Kabeel (an evil son of Adam), who killed his brother in a fight.
The First Murder On Earth:
Habeel (Abel) and Qabeel (Cain) were two sons of Adam (AS). Adam (AS) had twins; a girl and a boy every time. Adam (AS) was ordered to marry the boy from one set of twins to the girl of the other set of twins, and marriage between girl and boy of the same set was not allowed.
Adam’s First Four Children Adam and Eve’s first children, Cain and his sister, were twins; Abel and his sister, another set of twins, soon followed. Adam and his family lived in peace. Time passed and the occasion came for the sons of Adam to marry. Therefore we know that God’s plan to fill the earth.
each of Adam’s sons marrying the twin sister of the other. It seems that beauty has played a part in the attraction of men and women since the beginning. Cain was not pleased with the partner chosen for him. Cain began to refuse to obey the decision of his father and, in doing so, he disobeyed ALLAH.
ALLAH decided  that each son has to offer a sacrifice. His judgement would favor the son whose offer was the most acceptable. Cain offered his worst grain but Abel offered his best
livestock. ALLAH accepted Abel’s sacrifice, so Cain became enraged, threatening to kill his brother.
“And (O Muhammad (S.A.W)) recite to them (the Jews) the story of the two sons
of Adam (Abel and Cain) in truth; when each offered a sacrifice to God,
it was accepted from the one but not from the other. The latter said to
the former; ‘I will surely kill you.’” (Quran 5:27)
Abel advised his brother that ALLAH would accept good deeds from those that fear and serve Him, but reject the good deeds of those who are arrogant, selfish and disobedient towards ALLAH.
“The former said: ‘Verily God accepts only from those who are pious. If
you do stretch your hand against me to kill me I shall never stretch my
hand against you to kill you, for I fear God; the Lord of mankind, jinn,
and all that exists.’” (Quran 5:27-28)
The First Murder
“So the self (base desires) of the other (latter one) encouraged him and
made fair seeming to him the murder of his brother; he murdered him
and became one of the losers.” (Quran 5:30)
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) informed us that Cain became angry and hit his brother over the head with a piece of iron.
The Concept Of Grave:
ALLAH sent a crow who scratched the ground to show him to hide the dead body of his brother.
Death Of Hazrat Adam (A.S):
1)Adam (a.s)  was 60 Cubits (30 meters) tall.
2)Before Adam (a.s) died, he warned his family against Iblees’s  plans, saying ALLAH would send Prophets to guide Earth's different lands.
3)Adam buried in Sri Lanka.
4)Adam is a word of Siryani language.
5)Creation of Adam is mention in eight different Surah in QUR’AN..
6)Hazrat Adam met with Holy Prophet (S.A.W) on the first heaven.
7)Adam is mentioned in Surah Aaraf.  
8)Eve buried in jeddah.
9) The first person to be put into Hell will be Qaabil.
10) Adam walked to Makkah and performed Hajj 40 times.
11)Abul Basher is called to Hazrat Adam.
12) Hazrat Adam built first mosque on earth.
13) Age of Adam at the time of his death 950 years.
14) Adam & Dawood are mentioned as Khalifa in Quran.
15)Adam(A.S) was attached with the profession of weaving.
16)Adam was also a fatherless prophet like Esa (A.S).
17)First structure of Kaaba was built by Adam.
18)Adam and eve met in arafat after 200 years.

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