What is SEO?


SEO (Search Engine Optimization), is an arrangement of activities you perform to make your site effectively found when people from around the world search for data on search engines.
There are many search engines nowadays some of the which are mostly used are google, yahoo, ask, bing, etc.
When you start searching something on internet you use search engine such as Google and you put your query in their search box then it shows thousands of result relating to your query. Google list search result according to the popularity or most searched content. It’s a natural fact that if someone want to find information about something and there are thousands of resources, then user will follow the most popular and which he can find easily. With the help of SEO you can get our site at the top of the google search so that when user search for something then your site shows on the top or at least 1st page of result so that he reach your website.


There are 3 different types of SEO which everyone should know before stepping into it.

1: White hat SEO:

this is a one of the most popular and well known SEO strategy and is one which uses strategies and systems to enhance web search engine rankings of a website which don't cross rule and boundaries with web index rules. Alongside this, it ought to expand the ranking of a site in web search engine. White hat kind of SEO is a kind of like making substance for the site. Despite the fact that it may be a moderate procedure, yet it steadily expands the ranking of the site

2: Black hat SEO:

Black Hat SEO alludes to a forceful method for using distinctive sort of SEO systems, in a way where center is primarily on the site as opposed to on human crowds. This type of SEO does not follow the instructions and rules of search engine.
Black Hat type SEO use some techniques such as: Doorways and cloaked pages, Make comment spam on other people’s website and pages, Hidding text and links, keyword stuffing, link spam, cloaking, paid links, livestock links. These processes may be quick, but will not be long lasting as White Hat.

3: Grey hat SEO:

This techniques is like the combination of white hat and black hat SEO. It’s neither white nor black. This SEO techniques follow some tricks of black hat SEO along with White hat SEO. Many SEO companies use this method to meet up their client's deadline and as it doesn’t reach the boundaries of black hat, so there are very less chances of the site to be noticed by google.
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