HTML Basics

HTML is a not a programing language you can call it a scripting language which is very easy and used in web designing
HTML = Hyper Text Markup Language
HyperText means text which contains links
MarkUp Language represent writing your information of layout in a document

HTML is a plain text type document which can be written in a simple text editor. It’s not even considered as an programing language. It consists on TAGS which are very easy to remember. Such as if you want to write a paragraph you use <p> Tag, if you want to give and heading you use <h> tags.

Every tag has an opening and closing tag like <p>..... </p>, except 2 tags one is <br> which is used for line break and <hr> which is used for Horizontal line in a web page.
Basic HTML tags and format is:

<head> <title>Your website title</title> </Head>
<body>..... </body>
HTML document begins with <HTML> … </HTML> tags.
In <head></head> tags your title and others CSS and javascripts are linked.
You main content, layout comes with in <body></body> tags
NOTE: HTML is not a case sensitive Languages you can use capital or small letters for tags.

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