Why India can't Give up on Kashmir

Kashmir: is known as the land of beauty and the hospitable people but now in fact not just now it’s from decays and a century it’s become the valley of blood of innocent people and now this beautiful valley is victim of maltreating, cruelness and injustice by Hindus.
Kashmir is the land where the majority of Muslim lives there. In the war of 1947-1948 approximate 37% of the Kashmir which called as “Azad Kashmir” become a part of Pakistan but the “Jammu Kashmir” was not recovered due to truce. From then till now the Kashmir couldn’t be recovered.
By the passage of time the cruelness of Hindus has increased and Kashmiri and Pakistani do nothing as much for this. Many treaty and contracts were signed between the governments of both countries but it’s also didn’t work as well.
So many question raised on it:
Why Indian government being so suspicious on the issue of Kashmir?
Why they don’t want to free the Kashmir?
Why they disagreed with every treaty?
Answer of all such questions is same they don’t want to lose Kashmir because Kashmir is the root of Pakistan and the five main rivers flowing from Kashmir towards the Pakistan. So if they let it go then they will also lose these river. If they left it than the Pakistan will become more succeed and developed. And if the Kashmir becomes a part of Pakistan then India has to remove all natural barriers.
If Kashmir becomes the part of Pakistan then they will completely lose ownership of the Indus River and this will also affect their hydro power stations and India cannot afford to lose such power as if they do their will be several Power crisis in India.
Also Kashmir is a very successful and wonderful source of income, because of the beauty of the Kashmir, people from around the world come and visit which is very high source for income as Kashmir is also called heaven on earth.
And if Pakistan take over Kashmir than there will be a lot of consequences will be made on India losing Kashmir against Pakistan, and the impression and reputation of India will be badly affected over the world. As it’s an International issue from decades.
So that India is being very cruel with the Kashmir and cruelness increase day by day now it has become unbearable for Pakistan. Pakistan Army and Government should take steps for the welfare and in-dependency of Kashmir and Kashmiri Muslims.
We all should pray and hope for the best…


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