Drawbacks of Protest by political parties

  • Pakistan’s Image Globally:

The current political status of Pakistan afterwards protest strategies are drawing a dire image of the nation globally. In this modern era Pakistan has basic issues like poverty, health, unemployment; education and anarchy are on its peak critics see these protest tactics as unlawful political ploys to seize the constitutionally chosen political administration in the nation. These “protest Tactics” of Imran Khan and Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri are considered only part of "an improper power get."
Also "pakistan today" a local Pakistani website shared recent public survey of Washington Post which says, “An extensive new survey of public sentiment in Pakistan reveals that ongoing demonstrations are hardly reflective of the views of most Pakistanis.”
  • Political:

Counsel to the Prime Minister Engr. Amir Muqam on Sunday said individuals of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have rejected the "protest " legislative issues of Imran Khan and wanted their needs to be met as guaranteed by PTI before the general elections.
He said today genuine change was obvious because of the participation of more than 30,000 individuals in general society meeting who rejected Imran's call for the politics of agitation.
On this event, previous Senator Idrees Khan reported to join Pakistan Muslim League-(N). Individuals in the rally additionally droned slogans 'Go Imran Go' in the social affair.
One negative, unintended outcome of the protest has been the harm to teach and regard for constitutionally elected administration in a nation that as of now experiences a lack of open request.
Bottom line is there is a political war on peak because of this protest tactics being used in politics in a country which calls itself a Democratic country. All parties have somehow participated one way or another to let democracy down. Politics nowadays in Pakistan goes more with the proverb “Might is Right” then the ideology of democracy. Politics is being set on a very wrong path by current politicians.
  • Social:

Pakistani nation is currently divided into groups on the name of sects so a great lack of unity is found across the country. Political affiliations have further created gaps between groups. Since we are an emotionally extremist nation this division into groups has even enhanced the risks to law and order. Additionally individuals not only are encouraged by parties to support them, they also set the hatred for oppositions and competing parties.
Under such circumstances, to call individuals to rebut constitutionally elected government where represents country’s bad political shape globally also causes disputes between society’s individuals which result in social unrest. There have been more than a few incidents when nation has witnessed anarchism. Lives have been wasted on this politics of “protest Tactics”.  
We do not support any specific political party nor we are against any, but for our stability as a united nation this politics of agitation which is hasty, violent, and precarious must be stopped.
  • Economical

According to the records released by the Pakistan Bureau of facts (PBS), exports fell to $3.84 billion in July-August 2014 towards four billion greenbacks closing 12 months — a decline of 5.8 in step with each cent. This statistic ought to be a supply of significant situation to those that are being held chargeable for a decline in productivity and exports, namely the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and the Pakistan Awami Tehreek, whose take a protests (seat-ins) in Islamabad compromised the exporters’ conferences with foreign customers for brand new contracts as well as shipping of goods to upcountry regions. different producers declined from $3.9 billion to $3.58 billion (nine according to cent decline) with gemstones and jewelry declining via 72 per cent and cement by 11.5/cent.

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