The 3 Best Tools for Developing Mobile apps and games

Now a days everyone have a smartphone and they use different kind of apps and play different kinds of games. Mobile has already replaced you personal computer now there are softwares available which are similar to your computer softwares. For many people it has become a business they create apps and games and put them up for sale. Many developers provide free apps for users but they also from these free apps but putting ads between them.
Now a days android is a very famous and popular OS. Many high level mobile companies are using android OS such as Samsung, HTC, LG, etc… Below is the list of the best tools for developing mobile application for Android Operating System.
  1. Android Studio
  2. Unity3D
  3. Corona SDK

1: Android Studio:

Is a software which we can use to develop applications for Android Operating System. Mostly the applications are developed in java programming language using the android development kit (SDK). Android studio is a flexible Gradle-based build system which supports C++ and NDK. It is an integrated framework which provides you the facility to develop for all Android devices.There are many code templates and gitHub integration is also available to help you build common app features and you can also import sample codes.
It is a very fast and feature-rich emulator which is an instant run to push changes to your running app without building a new APK. It also contains lint tools to catch performance, usability , version compatibility and many other problems a well. It also has built-in support for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) which makes it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and App Engine. It is a full package software which you just need to install and you will hit your road to develope apps it contains all the necessary tools such as IntelliJ IDE + Android Studio plugin, Android SDK Tools, Android Platform-tools, A version of the Android platform and Android Emulator with and Android system image including Google Play Services.

2: Unity 3D:

Unity is a cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies and used to develop video games for PC, consoles, mobile devices and websites. It is a very reliable and easy to use platform to develop games and apps for Android OS.
Unity 3D provides scripting with C#, Javascript and Boo. You can animate characters, spirits, lights, objects, environment and much more. Unity 3D provides you high level of graphics for DirectX and OpenGL as well, Proper shadows, particles and animated meshes are also included. You can also imports your characters, modules, objects and spirits for many platforms.
Built in animation system and it also provides you built in audio files as well there is sound mixer as well in which you can create complex effects by using the output of one mixer as the input to another mixer. Terrains is also a very useful feature of unity 3D you can create landscapes vast them or foliaged them and many built in templates as well.

3: Corona SDK:

Corona SDK is another alternative software development kit which is a cross-platform framework used to quickly and promptly develop games and apps for different platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows and OS X and many more.
Cortona provides you vast numbers of API and plugins which allow developers tp quickly and easily develop apps that can run on various types of device. Cortona has a very high level Graphics and also provides you animation and very good audio. You can display images, text, shapes, sprites, etc. you can create paths and landscapes it provides you images masking and there are many image effect as well.

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