3 things required to be a famous blogger

If you want to become a famous blogger there 1st and foremost thing you should have and it’s your patience. Because you can’t become a millionaire in just a night. Everything, everyone needs time to become famous and popular. The very next thing which is required is your creativity and uniqueness which makes you and your blog different and variant from others. You will also be needing user, loyal users which return to your blog daily and share it with others. It all takes time so you need to be focused and restrained and motivated.
If you want to fulfill your blogging dream and make a living with your blog then just follow these 3 simple rules.
Flow chart of increasing in blog traffic


Everything in this world require specific time to happen, nothing can happen overnight. Blogging requires time and it’s administration should have patience and a little bit of hope. I have seen many business people starting a blog then they just gave up on it after few weeks because it was not seems to be working like they expected it to. But they forgot that they needed time to build up traffic and readers on regular basis. If stay calm and focus on writing interested content and articles for you blog then you will not have to be worried about revenue. So if you are up for the challenge of starting a blog then you should work with patience.


When you go to the market to buy something what you check for reliable things right. So blogging also require reliability. When you will provide unique content to your users they will surely come back and will talk about it, but if there will be no uniqueness what will they talk about? So credibility is required in blogging the more unique and trustworthy your blog will be that much traffic you will generate. Most important part getting users is easy part but the difficult part is giving them a reason to come back to your blog. So be creative and be unique.


To become famous and trustworthy you need regular interaction with users. You will have to provide unique and interesting content to people to talk about and to read. When you will interact regularly and according to a schedule then users will know at what time your next article or any other stuff is gonna be up so they will be back for sure. It is similar to you running a shop and as you now the more regular you will be more customer trust you will gain.


So from the above 3 points it’s clear that you need creative, unique and interesting content for your users on regular basis so that when they visit your blog, they find it reliable and equilibrium. Which give you the guarantee that they will spread the word out and will visit again for other stuff as well. You will have to give them a reason to come back and it all takes time which requires you to be patience. So now it’s up to you do you have that thing in you patience, uniqueness and creativity?...
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